Thursday, 23 December 2010

Violin and an ear infection

It's been a funny couple of weeks since I finished teaching. I've been pretty crook with laryngitis, a head cold, coughing, an ear infection and conjunctivitis! Most of that was within the first week but the ear infection is hanging on. The worst part of it is not being able to hear properly. I mishear what people say and I get sick of asking them to repeat what they've said. No doubt they get tired of it too!

Today we had a trio rehearsal and that was really interesting. I can only hear out of my right ear at present, and the ear I had closest to my violin was my left one. Playing felt very odd at first. The lower notes resonated through my jaw which was a little disconcerting but I wasn't really thinking about it by the time we'd finished. I could mostly hear what I was playing to tell whether or not it was in tune but had very little idea on the dynamic range I was producing. I used the same kind of pressure and technique I would normally do but without the aural feedback. A very weird sensation indeed!

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