Wednesday, 10 September 2008

The good and bad of the new phone

I have been reasonably pleased with my new phone. It's a fairly basic pre-paid Nokia 2600.  The set up is mostly the same as my old one. The differences I like are the camera (though I have yet to work out whether I can get the bluetooth operating with my pc), the slim size (not as bulky as the last one) and some of the new ring tones.  The games are better - well two of them are: snake and sudoku! (The other is Galaxy Balls) And yes, I play them occasionally.  The sim card fits in a special slot inside and has to be inserted before putting the battery in (took me a while to figure out where the slot was though!Wink). Also there is spare cover (orange) if I ever get sick of black!


There are two differences that irritate me like crazy. The first is having to reset my theme, wallpaper, and calendar tone (I don't like the default) every time I turn the darned thing on Angry and the second is the short battery life.  I might get four, possibly five days out of it if I don't ring anyone.  The battery is physically smaller but it's not really good enough when we've been used to not having to recharge for a week!  Mind you it takes half the time to recharge (1 1/2 hours) too so I guess it's not all bad.

If I'd had more time to do some research before I bought it I would have found out about the battery. But then, I probably would have bought it anyway because it was more in my price range than anything else I saw and the brand was important.


  1. Just a revision to the battery life length.  It's actually shorter - three to four days.

  2. Having to reset the theme, etc every time sounds a bit strange.  I'd check that out with the place you bought it from.  3-4 days is pretty good, about average for phones these days.  Make sure you only activate your bluetoth when you need it, and turn it off when you don't.  To connect it to your PC you'll just need a bluetooth dongle which you can buy off eBay for $20.

  3. Ah thanks for that bit about the dongle, I was going to email you about that! I rang the Telstra shop the day after I bought the phone and they said that having to reset the theme was how it was supposed to be. It would be better if I could set a default theme - at least I wouldn't have to reset it every time I turn it on.  The only other thought I had was that maybe they do it so you won't turn it off....

  4. Well you could always leave your phone on :)  I hardly ever turn mine off (but I usually make sure it isn't in the bedroom so if people call or text after I've gone to bed that's too bad!).
