Sunday, 3 August 2008

Student Concert

Yesterday I had a student concert at the library.  It was one of the best concerts I've had in a long time I would say.  I had quite a few little ones playing and they all played soooo well!  I think having a bit of pressure sometimes helps them to put in that last bit of effort.  A couple of them really surprised me with the dramatic improvement in their playing since I had heard them at their lesson earlier in the week! 

Just before the concert I had gone to the supermarket to get some extra things I needed for the afternoon tea. As I walked in the lights all went off and then came on again.  Then they did it again, and again, and again!  I think it would have been 10 or more times in all. In the end I went to Woollies because I was running out of time - it was about 1:30 and I wanted to start the concert at 2pm and still hadn't set anything up!  I made a conscious effort this time not to worry about starting late.  I mean it's good to start on time but not if it's stressing me out!  So it ended up being a really relaxed concert as well.  Many of the parents came up afterwards and said how much they enjoyed it.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like pressure to get them to put in effort...if only practice was like that :|
