Ian Morgan Cron has written an intriguing account of his life, chronicling events from early childhood through to a happy family life of his own. He shows how his father's alcoholism affected every aspect of his life, filling him with insecurities which were well hidden beneath a public bravado.
Ian honestly relates his childish fears, concerns and pranks, his teen years, his discovery of his father's CIA involvement and his gross disappointment over his father's inability to come to support him in events such as concert and failure to maintain the lavish lifestyle he'd been accustomed to. He tells of his friend Tyler, who never gave up on him and eventually helped him come to faith and of his struggles with his insecurities as an adult. He also recounts some rather humorous events associated with his church rituals. I found the story of the host in the pocket particularly amusing.
Ian has a great way with words. His descriptions and relating of his life were credible and interesting to read. His love for his mother and father is obvious. I loved the final story of his own children conquering their fears and the great effect it had on Ian himself.
If you enjoy biographies and reading about about people who overcome life's obstacles this is the book for you.
Read the first pages here.
This book was obtained free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program.
Hi Gail,
ReplyDeleteCame across this great review of my book. Thanks for taking the time to read it and write it up!
Ian Morgan Cron