Monday 12 May 2008

Mother’s Day

In the past, in our family, we have not celebrated Mother's Day as we had the idea that every day was mother's day and our mother should be appreciated every day not just one special day of the year. So we have no Mother's Day traditions like having breakfast in bed or receiving of small gifts like chocolates or flowers. 
This year as the day approached there was the usual commercialism and Mother's Day sales, and I started to think more about the purpose of the day.  It seemed to me, looking at it from a purely secular point of view, that it's really an opportunity to celebrate the women in this world who are mothers and to endorse the magnitude of what they do and the often enormous sacrifices they make. So, I've done an about turn, and I think it's a really great idea and we should get behind it.
In church on Sunday Mother's Day was particularly well celebrated.  There were songs sung by Kathy (Jewell), the kindy kids of Kid's Church and Kathy's daughter, Talitha.    There was a video presentation of a book in which the mother rocked her child back and forth, and continued to do so as the child grew up.  When she was old the child did the same for her!  It was funny but also quite touching.  (Peter had said to get out the tissues beforehand and I nearly made it without them Crying ) Then there was a video presentation in which some of the church members shared their thankfulness for their mothers - Peter thanked his Mum first, and then others did the same (no, not with the same words!)  Finally, to top it all off, the children handed out some of their handmade chocolates, including the usual chocolate-coated plastic spoon!  Hmm, I think they need to get a little more creative on that one!  Wink


  1. I was actaully thinking along similar lines lately.  I think while it's good to have the attitude of thankfulness every day too often it just gets lost so one day where we make a special effort is good.  So...happy mothers day!

  2. Thank you! :D

  3. Yay for Mothers Day!  I've always thought the same way about it - a good chance for us to thank our Mothers for all they've done as long as you avoid all the commercialism.  Just a card and/or bunch of flowers can speak volumes.  It can be a sad day for some though, if their mother has passed away, if they are unable to have children, or if their relationship with their children has been damaged.  Our service was very laid back compared to yours - I lost concentration in the sermon because the pastor said some things that were simply incorrect.  The children - what few there are - didn't have any special part in the service.  We got a flower for our lapel at the door.
