Saturday 10 May 2008

King and I update

It seems we hadn't seen all the costumes as there were new ones appearing today.  They are spectacular, and that's no exaggeration.  There were some adjustments to make though. At one point Mrs Anna puts on a dressing gown and I had noticed she had been stepping on the hem for the last couple of rehearsals. Today it had been shortened, and she had no problem. Open-mouthed The detail involved with the costumes is also worthy of note; as well as the various costume parts there are lots of necklaces, brooches, anklets, bangles, pins and earrings.  I think each person keeps track of their own jewellery. At least they don't have to worry about shoes most of the time as the people of Siam go barefoot!

The orchestra seems to be going ok but intonation is sometimes a problem.  The clarinets are usually the ones and some of the other violins. The young man sitting next to me (on violin) is one of the culprits....and worse, he doesn't seem to notice when he plays out of tune. Disappointed He also has trouble with syncopated bits. At one stage today he put me off totally (I stopped counting for some reason....arggh, stupid thing to do!) and I completely lost my place.  Fortunately it wasn't to much of an important bit. I'll just have to make sure I don't let it happen again! And maybe I should try and say something to him ....if I can do it without being rude. Thinking

I've changed three of my violin strings over the last week.  Out of them all - G, D and A - the A stayed in tune the quickest. I usually allow time for them to adjust and stretch but the A did it more or less overnight. However, at one point in the restringing process it popped out near the bridge end. When I put it back in I didn't notice that my mute had come off too and consequently went to the rehearsal without it. I was rather relieved when I found it later on the lounge room floor, still in good shape Smile could quite easily have been trodden on!


  1. You think you have problems!!  We are doing the Frank Martin Mass for Double Choir (for the second time).  This piece is totally unaccompanied (a choir of 60 in 8 parts).  Last time pitch was a major problem and this time it is just as bad if not worse!  It starts only a few bars into the first section (kyrie) - when the 2nd choir Altos come in, they are FLAT FLAT FLAT.  We end up a semi-tone to a tone flat after each section.  I am doing 2nd Sop in the 1st choir but there are only a couple of spots where we split.  Pitching my note in the split sections should be easy because we echo the 2nd choir sops, but they nearly always get it wrong.  In addition to that, the woman next to me never pitches the first note correctly and worse still, sings the wrong note so loudly that I just can't compete!  :( Sigh!!

  2. Just an addition to my previous comment - my estimate of how flat we go is probably extremely conservative!
